- Larry Schwimmer
astrologer, life coach & business consultant

Love Compatibility - Calculator - Larry Schwimmer

Love Compatibility - Calculator

Click here: If you want to learn about: Your Love Compatibility Report

Note: If you want to order: Your Love Compatibility Report,
you must first fill out your birth information below:

 All fields are required except the E-mail field

First Name:

Last Name:


(OPTIONAL - You do not need to leave your E-mail address)

Sign up For Your Personalized "Daily" Horoscope on Your Phone

Birth month:

Birth day:

Birth year:

Birth hour:

(The exact time is best.
If unknown, enter 12:00 PM for birth time.)

Birth minute:





Now fill out the other person's data.

 All fields are required

First Name:

Last Name:


Birth month:

Birth day:

Birth year:

Birth hour:

(The exact time is best.
If unknown, enter 12:00 PM for birth time.)

Birth minute:





Where did You hear
about this Report?

(NOTE) ERROR message may occur if your birth city is not listed in the World Atlas.
Re-calculate using the nearest larger city/town as your place of birth.