astrologer, life coach & business consultant

Will Your New Friend Be Warren Buffett, Harry Potter…Or Tony Soprano?


A Friend for a Season, a Reason or a Lifetime?

Wherever Pluto is in your birth chart you’re engaged in the process of radically transforming yourself. If it’s transiting your 11th House it’s time to transform your friendships and the groups that you socialize in.

During this period of your life, you’ll feel an intense passion to socialize that will result in your being attracted to new activities and groups that you relate to and identify with. As your ideals and goals change, you may be attracted to new friends of depth with similar ambitions. This is when you may meet powerful and influential friends who will have a profound effect on you and what you accomplish. Since shallow and superficial relationships will no longer be satisfying, you’ll want to be with people who share your passion and intensity.

MORE … The Huffington Post


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